kinder vismagneet, kindervismagneet, magneet met 55 kg trekkracht, magneetvissen, magneet, metaaldetectie, Neodymium magneet, 55 KG trekkracht, vismagneet

A 55 kg fishing magnet is perfect for children

We sell a large amount of fishing magnets from our wide collection. We know that a lot of grandparents and fathers want to buy a fishing magnet for their (grand)daughter or (grand)son. So that is why we would like to highlight our 55 kg fishing magnet. It is the perfect children’s fishing magnet.

magneet met 55 kg trekkracht, magneetvissen, magneet, metaaldetectie, Neodymium magneet, 55 KG trekkracht, vismagneet

This children’s fishing magnet looks small and cute

The 55 kg fishing magnet has quite a small size and includes a M6 eye bolt. The magnet has a diameter of ca. 3 cm and is entirely made of neodymium. The magnet may look small and cute, but it can lift a lot of objects out of the water.

Perfect for small finds

This fishing magnet is relatively harmless and perfectly suited to retrieve smaller finds out of the water. These mainly consist of coins, which are the main found objects with a fishing magnet.

You are interested in buying a fishing magnet? Order here! You want to be kept informed? Follow our Facebook page!

kinder vismagneet, kinder vismagneet, magneetvissen, vismagneet, vismagneet