1. Magnet fishers have a new adventure every time they set out
If you go out and find a good location, it is a guarantee that you will find something. What will come to the surface? A nice coin perhaps? Magnet fishers mostly pull up coins. Bullets are the second most found object, followed by bikes, safes and rifles.
2. Fishing magnets are something extraordinary
Which of your friends or who in your family knows magnet fishing? Not that many probably, and that is a shame as it is such a cool and enriching hobby. It is something really special to go into the water with a powerful fishing magnet and pull out a piece of history.
3. Finds are valuable
Most magnet fishers keep what they find. The finds are often hundreds of years old and some of them are real showpieces, such as an old coin from 1830 or a bullet from WWII. If now and then you pull up scrap metal, you can sell it to a scrap trader for a good price.
4. Let’s go magnet fishing together
Magnet fishers often go in groups. It is a social hobby. You will get tired of magnet fishing on your own after a while, but if you go with someone you can share your knowledge and it is an opportunity to learn from each other. On Facebook people search for magnet fishing partners.
5. For no money magnet fishers can start fishing

For around fifty euros you can buy a nice fishing magnet including rope. Buy your fishing magnet at fishingmagnet.co.uk. Every day we work hard to offer you the largest range at the best prices.
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Do you want some tips and tricks on magnet fishing?
With the aid of this ultimate starter guide and some tips on magnet fishing everyone can become a seasoned magnet fisher!
Find more on this page:
- Advice on strong and reliable fishing magnets
- Tips on good locations for magnet fishing in Belgium and the Netherlands
- Resources
- Answers to FAQ
- Press articles and fun videos on magnet fishing
- Facebook communities
- Twitter accounts
And much more!
Do you have your own TIPS & TRICKS you want to share with starting or advanced magnet fishers?
Do you know any interesting groups, communities or resources?
Do you think you can add something to help beginning or advanced magnet fishers?
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We would love to add your ideas to this manual!
You are a novice magnet fisher?
Or an experienced magnet fisher but you can always use some new additional tips from other magnet fishers?
If so, take a look at this ultimate starter manual for beginning magnet fishers!
What kind of advice on magnet fishing can you expect?
What are the best places for magnet fishing in the Netherlands?
Where in Belgium is it allowed to go magnet fishing?
What can you use as a fishing magnet?
Where can you buy strong fishing magnets online or in a shop?
=> Find the answer to these and many other questions in this article and also in other blog postings on this website.
Tips on magnet fishing: What are the most important things to pay attention to?

Respect your surroundings
Take a good look at the surroundings before you start magnet fishing. There are no prohibition signs for fishing? Then you can go ahead.
Always be on your best behaviour and Don’t leave any mess or waste. This does not only affect the environment, as it can cause some locations being closed off to magnet fishers.
Use the right fishing technique
To maximise your catch and fun while magnet fishing, apply the right fishing techniques: The throw-and-pull technique is the most frequently used one. Need advice? Ask us for more information.
Always take a spare rope with you
Always take a spare rope of the same length, diameter and strength with you. It can come in handy when your rope gets damaged. Or when your fishing magnet gets stuck and you need to add more length to pull from a different angle or to pull the side of the magnet loose.
Do not lose pulling force
A rope with a knot loses some of its pulling force. Some ropes even lose half of the pulling force. This also applies when you use a bridge railing to hoist your catch up.
Avoid wear or damages
Don’t drag the rope along stones, wood or other objects with sharp edges while hauling in. It can tear the rope and cause it to wear sooner.
It is extremely important to make sure the rope is firmly attached to the magnet
You can lose your magnet when you go magnet fishing. This happens much easier then you would expect. So it is wise to regularly check the rope, the magnet and the fixations. A good knot is very important. The best knots are those that tighten when a lot of weight is hanging on the fishing magnet. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more advice on knots.
Safety is everything
Never attach the rope ending to your wrist, leg or any other part of your body. This is to avoid injuries or being pulled into the water.
Do you have any more tips on magnet fishing?
Feel free to share them in a comment below this article.
How to buy and maintain fishing magnets?
A neodymium magnet can pull up to 750 kilos!
You are interested in buying a magnet for magnet fishing? It never hurts to gather some extra information before buying. After all, there are a lot of different magnets for magnet fishing.
The minimum pulling force should be 75 to 110 kilos.
When you purchase a magnet, check the bottom thoroughly. It can’t have drilling holes in the bottom. If this is the case, the magnet’s strength is lessened and there is a chance that the magnet will let go of the objects it attracts.
Always opt for a neodymium magnet: This kind of magnet is stronger and more efficient than a ferrite magnet.
Interested in buying strong magnets such as super magnets or neodymium magnets? Be aware that the so-called super magnets are very powerful magnets. They can possibly be very dangerous. Always pay extra caution and ask for additional advice when buying fishing magnets.
Regularly check your rope to avoid wear.
Regularly check whether the eye nut is properly fixed.
Avoid rust by frequently cleaning your neodymium magnet and drying it properly. Best is to do so after every fishing trip. Store your magnet at a dry place.
Do you have any more tips on fishing magnets?
Or tips on magnet fishing?
Feel free to share them in a comment below this article.
How to find good locations for magnet fishing in Belgium and the Netherlands?
Apart from having good fishing material (strong fishing magnets, rope, etc.), a good spot is vital to your fishing success.
I often get the following question: “How do you find a good spot for magnet fishing?”
Most of the time I would look on Google Maps to find nice spots in the vicinity that potentially will have good finds. These include rivers, streams, canals and lakes. Next I would look how to get access to these water bodies.
- Is there a bridge nearby?
- An access road?
- Is there parking space?
- Is there a main road next to it?
Every water body has something below the surface to pull up. Locations that are accessible to humans can be considered as a dumping site and are therefore a good target. These are the places you need to search for.
Where to find treasures or valuable finds?
Thieves often keep their loot on the bottom of a river. From information on forums and my own experience I know that viaducts nearby motorways and remote bridges form a good basis for a good catch.
Are you looking for archaeological finds (such as from WWI or WWII)? Then a little research or historical knowledge would help substantially.
Look for places that are known to be the setting of important historical events. Because chances are high you will find a lot of objects with historical value.
If you want to find a bike, we advice you to go fishing below a bridge.
Old wells are always worth the trouble of visiting. Often they will have old coins from people who threw them in for a wish.
Old ditches are also perfect for magnet fishing, although you have to adjust your tactics a bit, since old ditches and swamp areas are never dredged. The silt accumulates and causes heavy rubble (such as iron) to sink through the silt till the bottom. A standard magnet would just lie on top of the silt and doesn’t help you to catch anything.
By putting extra weight on your magnet, you can get through the silt and retrieve old objects that have been slowly sinking for years. Here you can find an excellent fishing magnet with extra weight.
Are locations where there are earth works a gift or curse for magnet fishers?

When searching for a suitable location, such as canals, rivers, streams and lakes, you’d better check whether there are earth works nearby.
You often see dredgers at larger rivers. These are dredging earth from the bottom
and many finds are lost, making the place less interesting for magnet fishing.
Do you know some other good places for magnet fishing in the Netherlands or Belgium?
Or do you have any more tips on magnet fishing?
Or advice on good and strong fishing magnets?
Share them with our readers and post them in a comment below.
All the other magnet fishers will be very grateful!
Here you can find a range of strong fishing magnets.
Why buy magnet fishing material at our shop? Find out here (one small hint: low costs)
Can you go magnet fishing wherever you want?
Find the answer HERE
2 Comments on TIPS on magnet fishing, Resources, Facebook groups, Twitter accounts, Communities, video postings, publicity, FAQ and much more!

Fishing for keys with a fishing magnet
A woman is walking along a small bridge carrying her child. Suddenly she lets go of her keys which of course drop into the stream under the bridge. The woman tries a lot of methods to retrieve her keys from the water. She even tries to use a speaker which has a heavy magnet, but it is of no use.
In het despair the woman contacts the fire-brigade and asks them whether they can come and help… Not much later three firemen arrive. As one man gets ready and puts on his wetsuit, ready to plunge into the water, the remaining pair tries to catch the keys with a fishing magnet.
And they succeed!
One of the ‘magnet fishers’ manages to attract the keys with the magnet.
True heroes of the day.
Three firemen and their fishing magnet.
Sounds like a made-up story?
Far from!
This scene happened last summer in the Dutch Velp.
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