We think it is important to learn from magnet fishers who often go searching. Social media are an excellent source for getting tips on magnet fishing. You will find a wealth of information on Facebook. There are a couple of big groups in the Netherlands and Belgium. Regarding the scarcity of the available information, we have two important tips for you.
Fishing magnet tip no. 1: Always tighten the eye bolt or eye nut firmly.
Practically every fishing magnet we deliver includes an eye nut or eye bolt to attach the fishing magnet to you fishing magnet rope. Small models have a M6 or M8. Bigger models have up to M10. Several of our customers gave us the advice to not only firmly tighten the eye nut or eye bolt, but to also secure it with Loctite. An important issue, since a lot of fishing magnets go lost because they aren’t secured well enough to the eye nut or eye bolt.
Fishing magnet tip no. 2: a combined structure of fishing magnets
Another nice tip we found online was to make a structure of different fishing magnets. On forums, but also on Facebook groups, we saw that several magnet fishers had created a horizontal or triangular structure with three 130 kg magnets, making their surface larger and capable of pulling heavier finds out of the water.
We notice that magnet fishing is a hot topic on social media and that magnet fishers are highly creative people. Keep it up!
Do you want to know how to tie a good fishing magnet knot? Take a look here!
You are interested in buying a fishing magnet? Order here! You want to be kept informed? Follow our Facebook page!
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