A magnet fisher’s DNA

I have had so many people come by. And have send a fishing magnet to so many people. But I would like to know who the average magnet fisher is. I did some research on the internet and on my webshop. These are the most important results.

A magnet fisher’s interestsmagneetvisser, magneetvisser,magneetvisser, magneetvisser,magneetvisser, magneetvisser,magneetvisser, magneetvisser,magneetvisser, magneetvisser,

  • War (highly interested, especially in the first and second WW)
  • History (i.e. prehistoric times and Middle Ages)
  • Metall detector/metall detection
  • Fishing
  • Archaeology
  • Finds
  • Treasures (magnet fishers are keen treasure hunters, i.e. silver and gold)
  • Nature (flora and fauna, but also beautiful landscapes)

Magnet fishers also love nature. In fact, magnet fishing can be seen as a ecological hobby. Rivers, lakes, wells or canals are cleaned by magnet fishers who dredge the bottom in search of nice iron finds that are corroding the water and pollute it.

A magnet fisher’s age

Mostly men and youngsters between the age of 16 and 65. But in recent years also more and more young magnet fishers of 12 till 15 years. They are often accompanied by their fathers. Magnet fishing is an incredibly fun occupation and will certainly enforce the bond between father and son.

Magnet fishers also like to fish in groups. They like to boast with their finds and don’t like giving any information on their locations. On Facebook you can find a lot of different groups with beautiful findings. A lot of magnet fishers are also searching for a magnet fishing buddy.

Are you currently looking for a fellow magnet fisher? Then you should take a look at one of these groups.

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You are interested in buying a fishing magnet? Feel free to look at our fishing magnets collection! You have a question? Send us a mail!